It is essential to remember that thoughts are things.

That which we think of, we speak.

That which we speak manifests.

Imagine the reality that you desire to experience.

Draw out that perfect experience in words.

Affirm your vision.

Affirm your life.


The life that you desire is within your grasp. The first steps are critical. One must become aware of her thoughts because those are the things that we tend to most readily state. When we speak, we essentially breathe life to those thoughts.

Being that this is the case, wouldn't it be beneficial to speak the things we actually WANT to experience rather than those things that are undesirable?

Wouldn't we rather harness the power of our thoughts and manifested speech in order to enjoy a more fulfilling, purposeful life?

The Affirm Your Life Journal will help you to do just that.

By focusing on the things that you want, giving energy to it through the action of writing, and speaking those things into the atmosphere on a consistent basis, it will greatly impact your perspective and mood. Maintaining a positive mental attitude will allow your mind to become free to welcome like things that compound that positivity. And on and on it goes!

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